Will I spend the next 20 years in prison or only the next 2 months? YOUR VOTE DECIDES!!!
Today your vote will drastically change the life of a January 6 Political Hostage who has been rotting away in the Democrat Gulag's for 4 long, hard years.
For the J6 Political Prisoners - today is literally sink or swim, failure or freedom, 2 more months or 20 more years in prison. The stakes couldn't be higher for the nearly 300 patriots who are currently sitting behind bars in more then 50 different prisons throughout the Country!
Edward Jacob Lang
Political Prisoner #76480054

Jake Lang
We are at an inflection point in America, and what we do today in the polling both will forever characterize us as a People - do we shrink from Gods calling to bring freedom to the captives? Or do we as Americans rise with one voice and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
There is no room in America, the land of the Free and home of the Brave for political prisoners - from either party or background. We must set a distinction between us and the Third World regimes who punish & persecute political dissension.
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Jake Lang
Today when you call and text your friends and ask them if they have voted - send them this article link & tell them to vote with a human heart, to understand some problems transcend politics, and this moment in history calls for the golden light of mercy to shine brighter than the darkness of oppression.
Thank you for your love & support & especially the prayers these last 4 years American Patriots! We couldn't have made it without you all!! UNITED WE STAND!!
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