On September 9th 2024 - only 90 days from today, I will FINALLY be going to trial for my January 6 case.

My trial has been unjustly postponed FOUR TIMES due to Supreme Court taking up our appeal for the 1512 Obstruction of Congress 20 year maximum felony charge!! (They will finally rule this month on it!!)

1241 days ago on January 16th 2021, I was arrested, for defending innocent lives from Capitol Police Brutality & our Constitutional Republic from a communist Coup d'etat by the CCP Biden Regime.

(This picture is my battle cry, covrrednin mace, urging fellow patriots to come to the Defense of the Republic & woman who were being murdered by Capitol Police tyrants. Roseanne Boyland was murdered by Police in the exact spot this picture was taken less than an hour later)

I have been shuffled around like an animal to 15 different prisons across America from Oklahoma to West Virginia, Pennsylvania to Washington DC, New York to Virginia!!

As a J6 Political Prisoner I have faced torture and abuse at the hands of a malicious DOJ, including over 800 days of solitary confinement, over 16 months no allowed to shave or have a haircut. 18 months without family visitation!!
