If you suspect your baby has been swapped and want to confirm their identity through a DNA test. DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. (DFL) provides accurate and reliable Baby Swap DNA Tests. We use the STR Profiling method to compare the DNA profiles of the alleged mother and the baby.

The process is simple and painless - we take a buccal swab sample of the alleged mother and the baby. You will get your reports within 4-5 business days. To book your appointment, call us at +91 8010177771 or message us on WhatsApp at +91 9213177771.

#childswap #babyswap

Choose the Child Swap DNA Test for Peace of Mind

Choose the Child Swap DNA Test for Peace of Mind

We ensure the accuracy of DNA test for the Child Swap in hospitals. Call us at 8010177771 if you have any doubt about your baby swap.