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@RicketyOldFarm • 4 pessoas gostaram disso

Here's a memory. These two had their first dance when Vinny showed up to #ricketyoldfarm 3 years ago. They both looked skinnier then, maybe I should slow down on their grain. They are best friends now and only occasionally bite each other (I sure as a show of love).
#lilbro #smallfarmlife #lilbrother

Commercial break from politics for a moment...

Who likes cast iron for cooking? I just refinished the cast iron handed down from my grand-parents. Built these hangers to get them off the counter tops.

#ricketyoldfarm #smallfarmlife #castiron


Mornin y'all

#ricketyoldfarm #smallfarmlife



Buster Brown and Scout throwing dignity to the wind as they lose their damn mind over cookies.

#ricketyoldfarm #smallfarmlife #homesteadlife #nubiangoats #nubianboermix #nubianboercross


This is Jenny. We don't post a lot of pictures of her because she's always pandering to the bleeding hearts as if we don't feed her. Rest assured, she is very well fed and very loved. Also, if you aren't humming Sarah McLachlan's Angel right now, I'm not sure we can be friends. #ricketyoldfarm #farmdog #smallfarmlife #homesteadlife #pleasesiriwantsomemore #dogsofinstagram


Rickety Old Farm is a place for us to share our dream of living with purpose, aligned with the messages from our hearts.